豆のまま(whole beans)
中挽き(hand drip)
粗挽き(french press)
・Panama Finca Deborah Geisha Nirvana
パナマ デボラ ゲイシャ ニルバーナ
Red cherry , Grape , Mild chocolate
【Competition Lot】
Panama Deborah Nirvana
パナマ西部チリキ地方、1,900mを超える高地にあるデボラ農園では、一年のほとんどが、雲に覆われています。農園の周りは森林に囲まれ、まさに自然の中にあるコーヒー農園です。このあたりは、“Valley of Flowers(花の谷)”や“Eternal Spring(常春)”とも呼ばれ、様々な希少な植物が自生しています。
ナチュラル アナエロビックは、選別手摘みした完熟チェリーを密閉できるステンレスタンクに入れます。そしてタンクを密閉し、チェリーの発酵が進むことでタンク内の酸素濃度を低い状態にしていきます。こうする事で、タンク内部が無酸素状態になり、タンク内のコーヒーチェリーでは通常とは異なる 細胞内発酵(嫌気性発酵)が起こり、糖が分解されアルコール類へと変化していきます。また、下層にあるチェリーでは、上層のチェリーの重さで徐々に圧搾されるので、果皮に付着する酵母の働きによって先ほどとは異なる発酵が起きます。このような複雑な発酵過程によって、通常の精製(大気
Nirvana starts with harvesting perfectly ripe Geisha cherries reading 21-24 on BRIX meter. The cherries are carefully selected for a second time before
depositing them inside hermetically sealed tanks. These tanks will be flushed,
periodically with Nitrogen throughout the duration inside the tanks to evacuate any residual oxygen remaining and to create an anaerobic
environment whereby the fermentation process may be extended and flavors
The cherries are tanked for an extended period in excess of 50 hours with
constant monitoring and cataloging of both PH and temperature. It is critically important strict parameters are maintained otherwise the coffee may fall outside the set parameters and develop unwanted or “off” flavors. Periodic, infusions are administered to ensure the tank remains stable and the fermentation kept within expectable limits. Ambient temperatures are monitored and controlled to ensure linearity throughout the processing.
After the required time inside Nitrogen infused tanks, the coffee is removed and placed on shaded, raised, African beds. Temperatures, heat, and humidity are controlled inside the dry houses and are carefully maintained within certain parameters.
After approximately 20 days and the coffee has been dried to approximately
11%, it is bagged in grain-pro and stored in Bodega where temperatures are
cool and stable. This reposo or seasoning process is critical to Deborah's
quality control and provides the coffee an opportunity to stabilize and equalize
its moisture content. Another benefit for the coffee is the absorbtion of more
flavor from it's shell or parchment. After the requisite rest the coffee is hulled,and sorted by size, density, and color.
Finally, the coffee is lightly vacuum packed and boxed in 15 kg boxes for export to our global clients.
Country Panama
farm Deborah
Process Natural Anaerobic
Variety Geisha
Atutude 1930 - 2000m