豆のまま(whole beans)
中挽き(hand drip)
粗挽き(french press)
・Panama Esmeralda Montaña 5WB Geisha Washed
パナマ エスメラルダ モンタナ 5WB ゲイシャ ウォッシュド
Jasmine, Tropical fruits, Bright acibity
Montaña 5 WB was harvested on February22, 2024 from the Montaña lot in Hacienda La Esmeralda’s Cañas Verdes Farm. After pulping, fermentation was undergone for 2days. The coffee was then slow-dried for 18
days on raised beds. Montaña 5 WB has intense notes of jasmine, bergamot, pineapple, cherry, roses, and black tea.
Lot Name Montaña
Farm Cañas Verdes
Country Panama
Process Washed
Variety Geisha
Altitude 1690m
Harvest Date: 22/02/2024
Estimated Annual Rainfall: 3500 mm
Average Temperature: Daily 16°C - 23°C Nightly: 10°C - 15°C
GPS (Lot): 8°46'2"N 82°29'40"W
Average Coffee Tree Age in Lot: 16 years
Total ha in Production in Lot: 0.5 ha