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200g Bolivia Alasitas Geisha Anaerobic washed



  • ¥11,000

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Bolivia Alasitas Geisha Anaerobic Region: Caranavi, Bolivia Altitude: 1650m Processed: Anaerobic Washed Varietal: Geisha Sweet white grape , juicy , Jusmine スイートホワイトグレープ, ジューシー,ジャスミン Story: Rodriguez Family is the pioneer of modern coffee plantation in Bolivia. About a decade ago, Bolivia was facing the challenge of coffee extinction due to leaf rust and other diseases. While most of the farmers and producers decided to abandon their farms and productions, Rodriguez family chose a completely opposite path to revive the coffee production in Bolivia. Because of this decision, Rodriguez family was in search of wonderful lands in Caranavi for plantation, which they found Alasitas. Alasitas’ name came from the well known festival in Aymara culture which people celebrated for two whole weeks. The son in the family, Pedro Pablo Rodriguez, happens to be born on the same day as Alasitas which makes this name a lot more meaningful to the family. Alasitas is located at the elevation of 1650m, with the geisha sitting on top of the farm. In the past, the coffee trees distance was 2.5m * 0.8m. This has changed two years ago, when Rodriguez family bravely decided to cut half of the trees and made the new distance of 5m*0.8m, allowing trees to have more sunlight and air, allowing coffees to increase sweetness in the the cup. The cherries were picked at very high maturity, then brought down to 600m where wet mill was located. It was pulped and fermented in stainless sealed tank in water for three days. After fermentation, parchments were then moved on to the raised beds to dry under sun for just 3 days then moved into a dryer to slowly dry for two weeks. This enhances the clarity as well as delicate profile.
